
Ballet is my passion, Yoga is my life!

I started ballet at the age of 6 in Texas. Ballet Austin’s training was great and provided a well-rounded curriculum. As I finished my training at the North Carolina school of the Arts in Winston-Salem, NC (now known as UNC School of the Arts), I was offered a company contract with the Kansas City Ballet. Being completely in love with all that was ballet I decided to make it my career.

Since 1999, Kansas City has been my home and provided amazing opportunities for me to grow and nurture my artistry. The accomplishments were not without difficulty. In 2005, at the height of my career, I noticed some knee pain. Well, that knee pain turned into four knee surgeries and many years of rehabilitation. During this time, I used many different methods of rehab, Traditional Physical Therapy, Pilates, and Yoga being my main sources. One in particular stood out as the most impactful and that was Yoga. I had never known how much yoga could help the body not only stretch and relax, but strengthen and balance. Not to mention the psychological benefits. My doctors and physical therapists were saying I may never get fully back to ballet, but I returned and danced a total of 15 years with the Kansas City Ballet. Yoga has become a major part of my life. With all the positive things it has done for me, I am now sharing those benefits with others.

I have practiced many different styles of yoga, but when I was introduced to Vinyasa my eyes were opened. Being the closest form of yoga to dancing, using breath connected with the asana to guide you through a flowing practice, I realized I was hooked. First being drawn to yoga for its physical benefits, now I live with a deepened understanding of what yoga means in my life as well as many others’. It is and will always be a constant adventure of diving into new knowledge and discovery.

Namaste was last modified: August 7th, 2015 by Aisling